Wednesday, September 15, 2010

3 must-haves when moving into a new place...

3. Internet. It's sorta sad but it's true. How are you gonna post on FB that you are back in the country?! (Btw, a special shout-out to Sebastian, the kind and romba competent Airtel fellow who came over for a house visit at the correct time AND fixed my internet in less than 5 minutes. He deserves an award.)

2. Keys. 4 days after moving in, I finally got my own set with two locks. Ya-hoo.
(In my housemate's defense, I was basically bed-ridden with this back "thing" for days.)

1. A bed. And by bed, I mean mattress. But seriously, a bed can change your whole perspective...on life. (Especially a double.)

...Here's to take 2 in Chennai!

I'm not sure what I can promise in the foreseeable future, but I will tell you all there's definitely gonna be more dancing (and possibly more DJing); more idly (and possibly more cooking); more blogging (and possibly more videos); more Tamil speaking (and possibly more Hindi reading), and more clean drinking water (and possibly more village time), in the future.


pooj and jess said...

More Papa John's?!?!?! You got a sweet ad for it right below your entry!

Also, how about adding "more America time"? Kthanks.

kms said...

is sebastian related to simon? bc i heard simon has a place for you in BN.

Legally Brown said...

I second Jess on more America time. Post more on Chennai: Take Two.