Sunday, February 8, 2009

white like me

a conversation between Moni (my mentor's 7 year old niece...the one wearing a helmet and sunglasses in my blog) and me.

Moni: You have a friend visiting?

me: Yes. She is coming from America.

Moni: America? Is that where you're from? You told me you lived on the moon?

me: Oh yes, the moon. Well, it is very close to America...and people from both places speak Spanish. Anyway, yes, she is coming tomorrow.

Moni: Is she like you?

me: What do you mean?

Moni: Like, is she white like you? (the actual word she used was "Gori" which means fair/white)

me: Um, no? I'm not white...

Moni: What do you mean?

me: You'll see.

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