My mentor's sister-in-law, Sanju, with her two nieces (the kids are the biggest brats EVER). This pic is from the best market in Bhilai called the Civic Center market...I recently discovered an orange internet cafe there (a step up from the malaria infested one I am currently at which really only has one computer) and a store called "Krazy Kool" where they sell everything from PEANUT BUTTER (I walked out with a $3 container) to DIET COKE to PRINGLES to RAGU SPAGHETTI SAUCE. Yes, I did find my personal heaven.
BHILAI! The view from my mentor's rooftop, aka third floor, aka my current living sitch. I deliberately didn't take a picture from the back of the balcony, which shows a view of the Bhilai Steel Plant...and the pollution...and Gary, Indiana...wait for part 2.
AIF Fellows at Kuki's, a small club in GK2, New Delhi. Yes, I had to lie to my relatives when they dropped me off at the restaurant for "dinner" and yes, I ran across the street to the "club" for "expat night" when they were walking back to the car. What a badass.
Bauji! (Aka my paternal grandpa). We sometimes refer to him as "Baumeister"...but I don't think he understands what that means.
My Chacha's daughter with my Nanima (aka my Dad's youngest brother's daughter with my maternal grandma). Actually my mom's side and dad's side of the family don't hang out but are forced to twice a year when someone from the States is visiting.
A group of Indo boys in a small village in Rajasthan. During orientation, we visited a Women's Self Help Group that was practicing microfinancing. Elected as a group spokesperson because of my "Hindi skills" I proceeded to tell the women how we were very excited to be there...not only in Hindi or English but I also managed to squeeze in some Spanish, as well. Que malo.
I'm sad to report that I have not seen any tigers as of yet. BUT, I did see lots of monkeys in Rajasthan. When I asked my mentor's family if there were any tiger sanctuaries nearby, they casually told me that the zoo was only a few kilometeres away. UM, sanctuary?!
love the pics! more pics! pic of scooty!
ah, wait? monkeys? uncaged? uncaged monkeys?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
You know what I want a picture of; make it happen! NOW.
Also, I heart the pic of the Baumeister (or however you spell it). =)
What do you mean there is no tiger sanctuary? What about the advertisement we heard during AIF orientation?
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