After 2 weeks of living "the life" in Delhi, I have now arrived at my NGO placement in Bhilai.
I have never experienced a Delhi quite like the one I just have. In addition to the added freedom of being able to ride in a three wheeler all by myself (yes, note the sarcasm), AIF definitely treated us to a 5-star experience. In fact, my Chacha (aka my father's brother) commented on said experience saying, "You have come to do social work in the slums and you are going out to fancy dinners. What is this?"
I, on the other hand, loved it. From the open bar and amazing food at the brand-new Japanese restaurant in one of the best malls in Delhi to the private tour of the National Gallery of Modern Art, this was really the other side of Delhi. And from the hot showers in our hostel to the late night club hopping at all of the "expat" hangouts, I must now face the the fact that "doing social work in the slums" might not be quite the same.
In fact, I had to sneak out of the President of the NGO's house to walk 10 minutes down the street to this make-shift internet cafe...and the phone just rang...and it's her...and I have to go.
More to come later...including an update on a possible scooter purchase :) (shhhhh forget about the thai tattoo from the summer. Yes, it's still healing, but YES I will be more careful)
what happened to our delicious delhi life? i want it back! keep us posted on the scooter, i'm thinking of getting one too! fun times!
omg, pooja bhatia riding around in a scooter in india. please take a pic.
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