Thursday, August 28, 2008

...I'm off to the Motherland!

Wow, this summer flew by! After traveling through Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos, I am back in the States for just 32 more hours before heading to India!

The past week and a half have been crazy– from Papalote burritos in SF to an amazing weekend in Oregon for a 197-mile relay from Mt. Hood to the coast and from Mama Bhatia's hour long lectures of advice to a handful of taco bell runs, it's been great to be back and see friends, drink water directly from the tap and put away my emergency roll of toilet paper.

But, alas, the wheels on the bottom of my feet are keeping me moving (although a few days ago Mama Bhatia did tell me to "Park those wheels!") and taking me to New Delhi for a two week crash course orientation on India and my new life. After that I'll be heading a bit southeast to Bhilai, Chattisgargh, a small steel town in the Hindi belt, to work for a women's unemployment NGO helping and training 1000 area youth to find jobs in the area...or so I've been told...but then again, I also haven't heard from my NGO all summer.

Either way, I'm so excited for my new adventure and hope you all will stay up to date! Emails, blog comments, phone calls and yes, even Facebook wall posts, are always welcome.


pooj and jess said...

have a great time, pooj!!!! i'm definitely going to be stalking you here. =)

jaimeclaire said...

i miss you... let us know you arrived ok and in one piece! -jaime

pooj and jess said...

where are you?! what are you doing?!? are you back to carrying toilet paper around everywhere with you?!

"e.t. phone home!"

love you.